100 Twitter feeds to improve your writing

I love this post. Not ashamed to say that I done stole it from a blog I found. Use at your convenience.


Make sure your grammar is top-notch when you take the advice offered on these Twitter feeds.

  1. @GrammarGirl. Grammar Girl (aka Mignon Fogarty) just may be the queen of correct grammar. Don’t miss this feed.
  2. @GrammarROCKS. Get great grammar lessons on Elizabeth O’Brien’s Twitter feed.
  3. @GrammarMonkeys. The copy editors at The Wichita Eagle provide tons of great grammar tips here.
  4. @MGrammar. Motivated Grammar takes a look at the way in which words are used–correctly and incorrectly.
  5. @JuneCasagrande. Casagrande features typos, misused phrases, and more frightening grammar mistakes.
  6. @thatwhichmatter. This feed offers grammar rules as well as word usage and links to related items from around the Internet.
  7. @pdxgrammarqueen. Think of this feed as a grammar police of sorts that points out grammar mistakes so everyone can learn proper usage.
  8. @tao_of_grammar. Examine grammar questions and answers that will help improve your writing here.
  9. @cswriter. This writer and editor includes plenty of great grammar tips on his feed.
  10. @grammarguide. Find helpful grammar tips from these tweets.
  11. @DailyEngHelp. Not only will you get grammar help here, but you will also find plenty of writing and language information too.
  12. @writing_tips. Find daily help with grammar, punctuation, and spelling to help make your writing stronger.
  13. @WendalynNichols. Wendalyn shares plenty of grammar knowledge on her blog and this Twitter feed.
  14. @grammarmonster. The Grammar Monster provides grammar rules here to help you become a stronger writer.

Punctuation, Style, and Usage

These feeds provide plenty of rules and examples of ways to use punctuation, words, and proper style so that your writing shines.

  1. @CommaRules. Find rules on comma usage along with examples of the rules in this feed.
  2. @opensie. This feed takes a look at ways to create expressive writing in the Internet age.
  3. @APStylebook. The AP Stylebook is the accepted guide for journalists. Their feed answers questions regarding style and provides tips based on AP style.
  4. @FakeChomsky. A tribute of sorts to the famed linguist Noam Chomsky, this feed features tons of facts about words and word usage.
  5. @FakeAPStylebook. Get an irreverent yet truly helpful look at words and usage here.
  6. @wayword. Public Radio’s A Way with Words shares some of their insight on this feed.
  7. @mightyredpen. Find fun word usage and a few grammar infractions among these tweets.
  8. @jessesheidlower. Take a look at how words are used or misused here.
  9. @meperl. Explore the ways in which words are used with this Twitter feed.

Copy Editors

These feeds are written by and for copy editors and include a wealth of advice to help improve your writing.

  1. @EditorMark. Mark Allen posts frequently on word usage, grammar, and more.
  2. @johnemcintyre. John McIntyre posts on copy editing, journalism, and grammar.
  3. @Copyediting. Find expert advice on all things language-related here.
  4. @thomasediting. This editor provides help with spelling, grammar, and punctuation on her feed.
  5. @CopyCurmudgeon. This self-professed grumpy copy editor works to eliminate mistakes in written communication.
  6. @tdwi_editor. Roxanne Cooke provides plenty of great grammar, style, and usage tips here.
  7. @ebrenner. Get vocabulary builders, writing tips, and more on this feed.
  8. @KOKEdit. Katharine O’Moore Klopf posts on copyediting resources and opportunities.
  9. @EliteEditing. This proofreading and editing company provides links on grammar, usage, and style.
  10. @gerrrib. This copy editor includes punctuation, grammar, and copy editing information on her feed.
  11. @cpdavey. Chris Davey takes on word usage, style, and more on this feed.
  12. @PurplePenning. This copy editor and proofreader plays with words and language here.
  13. @andybechtel. Find pointers on word choice, punctuation, and more from this copy editor and journalism professor.
  14. @HireHeather. This copyeditor discusses writing and promoting your work.

Writing for Specific Audiences

Whether you are a journalist, lawyer, social media maven, or technical writer, these feeds will help you hone your writing skills to perfection.

  1. @TheSlot. Bill Walsh of the Washington Post tweets about words, grammar, and journalism here.
  2. @LawWriting. Marilyn Bush LeLeiko posts on writing skills, especially for those writing in the legal field.
  3. @BryanAGarner. Part lawyer and part wordsmith, Garner provides an entertaining and informative blend of both.
  4. @kcgrammargirl. Get a good blend of grammar rules and thoughts to ponder as well as tips on social media writing.
  5. @tweditor. This editor specializes in high-tech communication and includes many helpful tips here.
  6. @WriteAdvantage. Learn tips to help improve your business writing when you follow this feed.
  7. @WritingTrainer. The Writing Trainer provides suggestions for improving your writing, especially if you are performing business or technical writing.
  8. @publishingtalk. Stay on top of what’s going on in the publishing world with this feed that is all about publishing and social media.
  9. @CCTheLowdown. These tips from the UK focus on digital publishing and doing business.
  10. @tech_writer. Get plenty of tech writing tips from this professor.
  11. @macloo. Social media and journalism are featured on this feed.

The Art of Writing

Learn all about the art of writing with these Twitter feeds that feature motivation, tips, and more.

  1. @WritersDigest. Writer’s Digest provides online resources and opportunities for workshops via their feed.
  2. @NathanBransford. This literary agent discusses books, writing, and writing tips here.
  3. @WilCoComm. Find writing advice as well as word usage and grammar tips from this writer and copy editor.
  4. @rantyeditor. This anonymous fiction editor provides tips for grammar and word usage as well as examples of mistakes you don’t want to make.
  5. @JaneFriedman. Writers will find encouragement, resources, and more to help their career and their craft.
  6. @thewritermama. Find everything from tips on publishing to ways to make the most of your writing time here.
  7. @englishcomp. Jim Burke teaches English and frequently tweets about writing.
  8. @novelsmithing. Novelists can learn about character and plot development, editing your work, and more with this feed.
  9. @getgreatcopy. This copywriter offers writing tips that everyone can use.
  10. @AdviceToWriters. Just like the name says, you will find advice helpful for writers among these tweets.
  11. @noveloflife. Lethe Bashar posts information on writing, especially novels based on real life.
  12. @WritersCoach21. Get motivational tips and quotes from this writing coach.
  13. @WritingSpirit. Learn about writing and promoting your work with these tweets.
  14. @fuelyourwriting. This feed provides tools to make your writing better.
  15. @asuen1. This writing professor and veteran writer offers tips on writing and publishing your work.

Writing Prompts

If you are in need of some creativity to get your writing started, then check out these writing prompts available on Twitter.

  1. @promptedtowrite. Get creative writing prompts from this Twitter feed.
  2. @Quotes4Writers. The quotes on this feed will inspire and motivate you when you need it most.
  3. @twitqwotes. Find inspiration for your writing when you follow this feed that provides you with quotes from famous writers and thinkers.
  4. @NoTelling. Find writing prompts here when you are feeling stuck.
  5. @Mike_Sellars. This feed offers up “story eggs” that serve to spark your imagination when you need a nudge.

All about Words

Have fun with words to learn about ways to use them better in your writing with these Twitter feeds.

  1. @lynneguist. Lynne Murphy explores the similarities and differences between American and British English.
  2. @Fritinancy. Posting on the usage of names, words, and brands, Nancy Friedman includes interesting commentary on it all.
  3. @emckean. Erin McKean has fun playing with words on this Twitter feed.
  4. @hangingnoodles. Take a look at some of the more unusual phrases used in the English language here.
  5. @worldwidewords. Michael Quinion provides a look at word usage and origins for a variety of new and old words.
  6. @bgzimmer. Ben Zimmer provides plenty of fun language facts and missteps.
  7. @ProofingSandy. Sandy plays with words on her feed and also points followers in the direction of other helpful grammar and usage advice.
  8. @word_czar. The Word Czar has plenty of fun with words on his Twitter feed.
  9. @MacDictionary. Learn about English words from all around the world with the informative and fun posts here.
  10. @wordorigins. Check out these tweets to learn all about words and their origins.
  11. @Maitani. Find retweets of interesting word facts from other Twitter feeds and original content on Indo-European linguistics here.
  12. @torturedenglish. Take a look at the many ways the English language is tortured when you follow this feed.
  13. @Language_Today. These tweets explore language and literacy around the world.
  14. @grammartips. Find plenty of suggestions to improve your craft with topics such as expressive writing, ending a short story, and how to find your writing style.


If your writing needs help because English is your second language, then check out these helpful Twitter feeds.

  1. @sentencemaster. Find writing games to help improve grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.
  2. @Gapfillers. Learn about learning English with tips, exercises, and more.
  3. @Englishtipsnow. These tweets show subtle differences when using English that will move your writing from rough to polished.
  4. @OndemandEnglish. This feed provides interesting ways to strengthen your English language skills.


Expand your vocabulary with these feeds that explore definitions and word origins.

  1. @wordnik. Get words and word lists of the day to help expand your vocabulary.
  2. @wordspy. Word Spy seeks out and shares new words or new ways to use old words on this feed.
  3. @dictionarycom. Expand your vocabulary and get a word a day from Dictionary.com.
  4. @highvocab. If you want to learn vocabulary words that are a few steps above the norm, then check out this feed.
  5. @schottsvocab. Follow this feed to learn modern words coined in the media.
  6. @UrbanWord. Check out the definitions here to learn new meanings from the Urban Dictionary.
  7. @urbandaily. Here is another source for urban words of the day.
  8. @thewordguy. The Word Guy posts words along with their definitions and etymologies.
  9. @awad. This feed features an unusual word and its meaning every day.
  10. @Word4Today. Take an entertaining look at word meanings and origins here.
  11. @VisualThesaurus. Click on the links associated with these words of the day to find word maps with synonyms.
  12. @mrdictionary. Keep up with new words as they are used in the media with the information on this feed.
  13. @Languagebandit. The Language Bandit provides language facts that frequently include definitions and etymologies.
  14. @MerriamWebster. Get a word of the day from Merriam-Webster dictionaries when you follow these tweets.