Twitter Feeds for Book Lovers

Whether you love to read the latest fiction or want an easy way to keep up with your favorite book-related blogs, Twitter can help you keep you in the literature loop. Here’s a list of some of the best feeds to follow to learn more about the latest releases, read reviews and a whole lot more of the best book-related things on the web.

Authors: Fiction

Check out these Twitter feeds from some well-known and up-and-coming fiction authors.

  1. @chuckpalahniuk: Learn more about the books of the well-known author of books like Fight Club from this feed maintained by Dennis Widmeyer.
  2. @paulocoelho: Keep up with Brazilian author Paulo Coelho through this feed.
  3. @AnneRiceAuthor: While she no longer writes the same kinds of horror books she once did, you can get personal updates from author Anne Rice on this feed.
  4. @DeanKoontz: Famous author Dean Koontz posts personal and professional tweets here.
  5. @neilhimself: Follow this feed from author and graphic novelist of Stardust and Sandman fame.
  6. @EliseBlackwell: This author of three books tweets about her own work and other books she likes as well.
  7. @Cbarzak: Author Christopher Barzak tweets about his experience with writing here.
  8. @hamishmacdonald: This author mainly writes for magazines, but you can follow his feed and learn about books, writing and more.
  9. @KateJacobsBooks: Kate Jacobs is a best-selling author. In this feed you can read about her experiences writing and her personal life.
  10. @Urrealism: Luis Alberto Urrea has written fiction and non-fiction books alike and tweets both about the literary world and numerous other topics.

Authors: Nonfiction

If you prefer your reading material to touch more on the real than the surreal, you’ll appreciate these feeds from non-fiction authors.

  1. @wilw: Many a nerd will love following actor and author Wil Wheaton, who tweets on technology, life and more.
  2. @talexander: Author of Elizabeth: The Golden Age, made into a major motion picture, Tasha Alexander tweets about writing and her daily life in this feed.
  3. @maureenogle: Beer lovers will appreciate this feed from author and alcohol enthusiast Maureen Ogle.
  4. @BadAstronomer: Get an unbiased look at the science of space from author and science blogger Dr. Philip Plait.
  5. @Andrea Gillies: Author of a memoir about caring for an ailing relative with Alzheimer’s, this author’s feed focuses on her writing.
  6. @stephanieklein: Gain insights on pop culture, relationships, food and literature from this feed.
  7. @malgeo: Matthew Alego, author of Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure, shares updates about his book tours and writing here.
  8. @elissastein: Writer Elissa Stein has written many a pop culture book focused on women’s experiences. Check out her feed for personal and professional updates.
  9. @PD_Smith: Learn more about technology, history, science and photography from this feed maintained by the author of Doomsday Men: The Real Dr. Strangelove and the Dream of the Superweapon.
  10. @Deepak_Chopra: This author and guru tweets about everything from current events to his public appearances.


Keep up with what your favorite publishers are putting out by following these Twitter feeds.

  1. @ChronicleBooks: This independent publisher in San Francisco tweets about their new releases and author events here.
  2. @SterlingBooks: Located in New York, you’ll find updates about the books put out by this publisher as well as loads of comments from fans.
  3. @RandomHouseCA: Check out this feed to learn more about what’s being put out by Random House Canada.
  4. @RaincoastBooks: Follow this feed to get more information about this Vancouver-based publisher.
  5. @PicadorUSA: A division of Macmillan, this publisher puts out everything from thrillers to religious books.
  6. @torbooks: Here you can learn more about the books published by this fantasy, horror and romance company.
  7. @HarlequinBooks: If romance novels are your thing you can learn more about the steamiest work being published by this well-known publisher.
  8. @fantagraphics: This Seattle publisher is known for putting out some of the greatest cartoons, comics and graphic novels.
  9. @orbitbooks: Keep up with new sci-fi and fantasy releases from this publisher here.
  10. @PenguinPbks: Find out more about the classics and new fiction alike released by this iconic publisher.
  11. @vintagebooks: Get answers about promotions and new books from Vintage in this feed.

Librarians and Libraries

Learn more about the professionals and organizations out there who care for and organize great books.

  1. @librarycongress: The Library of Congress is one of the largest libraries in the world, and you can keep up with everything from their special collections to latest events in this feed.
  2. @jessamyn: This feed is home to posts from Jessamyn West, a rural librarian.
  3. @glambert: Greg Lambert is a law librarian who shares his thoughts on everything from books to social media in this feed.
  4. @sljournal: Visit this feed to read reviews about the latest children’s and young adult books.
  5. @pfanderson: This Iranian blogger is a mom and a librarian, sharing her thoughts about technology and reading in this feed.
  6. @Librarian: Follow this feed to learn more about library and reading events.
  7. @LJBookReview: Through this feed you can read book reviews and news from Library Journal.
  8. @LibraryJournal: This feed offers insights into the world of reading from the staff at Library Journal.
  9. @heyjudeonline: Check out the feed of this Australian librarian, Judy O’Connell, to read her insights into reading, technology and education.
  10. @yalsa: The Young Adult Library Services Association maintains this feed, helping keep you informed about issues relevant to young adult reading and literature.
  11. @britishlibrary: See historic documents and photos from the British Library’s collection in this feed.
  12. @TheLibraryCat: This feed is a great place to learn more about academic libraries, photography and searching through archives.


Through these feeds, you can keep up with big name retailers and specialty booksellers alike.

  1. @BordersMedia: If you love to shop at Borders, follow this feed to learn more about the latest books and movies as well as post your own opinions on them.
  2. @Powells: Find out what’s going on at this Portland, Oregon based bookseller through this feed.
  3. @VJBooks: Those who like to own a little bit fancier books will appreciate the tweets here, offering listings of signed and first edition books.
  4. @BWBooks: You can read loads of books and save the world at the same time with this globally-conscious online bookseller.
  5. @Omnivoracious: This feed is the books micro-blog, giving you updates and ideas on what to read.
  6. @KnownBooks: Check out this feed to learn more about this Sutton Bay bookstore.
  7. @VintageEtsy: Get updates and information on all kinds of vintage reads here.
  8. @BNBuzz: This feed from Barnes and Noble will keep you in the loop with the latest releases and big author events.
  9. @AbeBooks: Learn more about books through this feed from retailer AbeBooks.
  10. @paperbackswap: If you prefer to barter rather than buy, check out this feed from the popular book swapping website PaperbackSwap.

Book Lovers

Share your love of reading with these bibliophile tweeters.

  1. @TheReadersPlace: This feed advertises itself as a place for readers to come together and talk about the books they love (or hate.)
  2. @BooksOnline: Visit this feed to follow everything related to books from new releases to information about publishers.
  3. @ireadkidsbooks: Whether you want to know more about books for your kids or want to enjoy some child-like reading of your own, this feed is the place to find information and reviews.
  4. @backtobooks: For those who are fans of the old fashioned paper book rather than the newer digital ones, this feed is the place for you.
  5. @Tweeterbookclub: Follow this feed to read tweets and meet others who love to read.
  6. @ImReading: This online project asks readers to tweet about the books they are currently reading.
  7. @commuterreading: Check out this feed to read short reviews of what this Twitterer reads on the commute.
  8. @Biliotarian: Find out more about the Sony Reader and books that are available (and enjoyable) for it through this feed.
  9. @Bookishness: This feed is home to a book-loving Australian who tweets about everything from literature to life.

Book News and Reviews

Whether you need help finding something to read or just want to find out about the latest book news, give these feeds a try.

  1. @nybooks: This feed is home to tweets from the NY Review of Books, a great source for books that appeal to the literary intellectual in you.
  2. @LATimesbooks: Here you’ll find news and reviews about books straight from writers and readers of the LA Times.
  3. @guardianbooks: Follow this feed to keep up with the latest reviews found in the Guardian.
  4. @books: Read through these tweets to find out the latest news and information from the site Readers Read.
  5. @booksin140: This feed offers book and movie reviews in only 140 characters.
  6. @mawbooks: Blogger, mom and tweeter Natasha shares her book reviews and more on this feed.
  7. @DailyMeLiterati: Here you’ll find a feed that aggregates news and reviews from several high-quality sources.
  8. @Inkwell_Bkstr: This feed offers daily book reviews, praise and some criticism.
  9. @audiobookreview: If you love audiobooks you’ll appreciate this feed and its reviews and recommendations for new titles.
  10. @booknerds: Follow this feed to get reviews from several 20-somethings who love to read.
  11. @ReviewTheBook: This feed will connect you to blog posts that offer reviews and interaction between readers and authors.
  12. @nytimesreading: Check out this feed for the latest updates on conversations and articles about books and authors from the NY Times.
  13. @5M4B: On this Five Minutes for Books feed you’ll find reviews of books for all ages and all kinds of readers.

Social Network and Blogs

Stay totally plugged into your favorite reading-related blogs and social networks through these Twitter feeds.

  1. @BookBrowse: This feed is maintained by Davina, founder and editor of BrookBrowse, a great site of book reviews and recommendations.
  2. @BooksALatte: Check out this feed to keep up with updates from the BooksALatte blog, dedicated to postings about reading and writing alike.
  3. @LThing: If you have a Library Thing account you can link it up with your Twitter. Visit this feed to learn more about the program and how to use it.
  4. @goodreads: Those who’ve signed up for the social networking site GoodReads can get the latest updates on the site through this feed.
  5. @aNobii: This multi-lingual feed will keep you in the loop about the service aNobii.
  6. @Litblog: This feed contains short versions of the longer articles found on ThreeMonkeysOnline.
  7. @janicu: Those looking for book recommendations can find them through this feed and the linked blog.
  8. @book_blog: Through this Twitter feed you’ll be able to read book reviews from author and blogger Debra Hamel.
  9. @ManicReaders: Manic Readers the blog is focused on the latest book, publishing and writing news, and the Twitter feed will let you keep up with the newest content.
  10. @booktalkblog: Check out this feed to talk about books and get links to longer reviews and interviews.
  11. @ablogofbooks: Here you can scan through a collection of tweets to help you find books and reviews you’re interested in reading.

Release Updates

Make sure you’re in the loop when it comes to new publications by following these feeds.

  1. @NewTechBooks: From using social networking to setting up networks, the books highlighted on this feed will help you learn more about everything techie.
  2. @parenting_book: Parents young and old can find out about the latest parenting titles from this feed.
  3. @history_book: Check out the tweets on this feed to learn more about new history releases.
  4. @law_book: Lawyers and law enthusiasts can learn more about new books from this feed.
  5. @bookrelease: No matter what kind of literature you’re looking for this feed will help inform you about what’s about to be released.
  6. @kindle_book: Those who prefer their books in digital format can stay in the loop about the latest Kindle releases here.
  7. @biography_book: This feed is home to updates about new books on some of the most famous and infamous people out there.


Here you can find links to feeds dedicated to everything from series specific fans to digital reading.

  1. @googlebooks: Check out this feed to learn about the latest books put on Google Books.
  2. @cooking_book: Those looking for new recipes to try or who just love food can learn more about cookbooks here.
  3. @HarryPotterBook: Fans of this series can keep up with everything Potter in this feed.
  4. @mysteries: This feed focuses on the best and newest mystery stories.
  5. @DiscountLibrary: Want cheap reads? This feed will keep you updated about book sales and books under $10.
  6. @pdbooks: Get free and public domain book information on this feed.
  7. @travel_books: If you love guidebooks or travel memoirs you can learn about the latest releases and read reviews on this feed.